What do we do

/What do we do

What do we do: Future Activities

The Founding Members of SBPI have been engaged in promoting various key sectors of Biotechnology since its inception in the country. They have been instrumental in expansion of R&D, Infrastructure development, Institutionbuilding, International Collaboration,Product validation, Clinical Trials, Up-scaling of technologies, Biotech Regulation, Policy development and catalyzing the Progression of research leadsinto products. The experience of the Founding Members will bring unique skill sets for shaping the landscape of Biotechnology in the country by identifying novel & strategic interventional opportunities.

What do we offer?

A. For Students/ Researchers in biotechnology

  1. Lectures on updates in Biotechnology
  2. Research Guidance
  3. Manuscript writing
  4. Project Writing/Mentorship
  5. Training
  6. Fellowships

C. For Government

  1. Networking with State & Central Governments in sensitizing public about Govt. Policies on Healthcare, Agriculture, Environment & Industry
  2. Facilitation in Implementing healthcare policies
  3. Aligning with Ayushman Bharat
  4. Alignment with Agricultural practices: Double the Farmer’s income
  5. Human and Animal health related issues and practices: overviews

B. For Biotech Industry

  1. Guidance on life sciences regulations
  2. Public Private Partnership
  3. Technology watch/selection/ transfer /application/overview

D. Knowledge Documents

  1. News Letters
  2. Publications
  3. Reports
  4. Books